Slight Second--Standard Burnt Orange Sunflower Travel Journal Cover--Ready To Ship!
OK, I messed up--one of the elastic holes is slightly too far to the right (about 5mm!) which is enough to make this a second, but not enough to cause much of a problem in everyday use. Lucky for someone though, because this is utterly orangely gorgeous!
Standard size, lovely tactile hand carved flowers, lightweight inner pockets and comes with three Clairefontaine inserts too! Were it A5, I'd be keeping it. Sigh. .
- Four elastics and elastic closure.
- Will fit four softbacks, or more with jump bands. it has a 4cm / 1.5 inch spine, so lots of room for plenty of stuffage!
- Fits the traditional regular / standard size Traveler's Notebook inserts which are 110 x 210mm or 4.33 x 8.25 ins.
- Ships with three Bee Flowery Clairefontaine fountain pen friendly inserts to get you going--there's a lined and a plain cream one, you choose the paper colour and layout of the third!
We have run out of stock for this item.