Nan's Frock Passport Size TN Cover--Ready to Ship!
Passport size is a traditional TN size and ideal for traveling and everyday carry. This one is a very summery, antiqued pink leather flowery design in 3mm firm leather. Hand carved, hand painted, very thick and sturdy despite looking a bit, well, girly! We love doing flowery ones and they are all different so there'll never be one exactly like this one. We called it Your Nan's Frock because it reminded us of 1940s Tea Dresses and 1980s Laura Ashley prints :D
- It is refillable with B7 / passport size notebooks and inserts. B7 is the same size as an international standard passport and is 88 × 125 mm or 3.5 × 4.9 inches.
- Wide enough for four softback inserts!
- Comes with one insert to get you started--it'll probably be a lovely cream parchment cover one unless you tell us otherwise, but you choose the layout :)!